Mark Talcott
Giving Tuesday is on November 28th, 2023
Last year on Giving Tuesday, parishes in the Archdiocese of Baltimore raised just over $60,000 for parish ministries and special projects. Other dioceses across the U.S. experienced similar success, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Giving Tuesday is not just another day—it is a vibrant opportunity for your parish to receive significant financial support. As it follows so quickly on the heels of the Thanksgiving Holiday, donors are especially generous on Giving Tuesday, making it an ideal time to engage them and to highlight your parish’s needs.
Your AOB Advancement team has collaborated with Give Central – a seasoned online giving platform organization – to create a special giving page for Giving Tuesday. Each parish, like yours, has been equipped with its own unique page accessible through the Giving Tuesday landing page. Simply select your parish from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the landing page to be able to view your parish’s unique giving page URL address.
Giving Tuesday giving page:
Your unique Giving Tuesday Webpage can be personalized with your logo, and you can set a specific fundraising goal. To make changes to the graphics or goal, please email,
Jimmy Hunter, Senior Coordinator, at
How to Get Started
Visit the Advancing our Mission Giving Tuesday resource page to download graphics, pre-written emails, and social media posts.
Resource Page:
In the days leading up to and including Giving Tuesday, use these resources to send out emails, post to social media, and share your unique giving link.
Make an announcement during Mass on the Sunday before Giving Tuesday to encourage everyone to make note of and contribute on this special day.
All parish donations made on Giving Tuesday through the Give Central platform will be fully directed to your parish. Let's come together to maximize this special day of generosity!
Important Links:
Giving Tuesday Resource Page:
Giving Tuesday Landing Page:
Happy Fundraising!