Developing a Plan
Implementing a year-round fundraising strategy is crucial to ensure a steady flow of funds essential for advancing your parish's mission and activities. Below, is a suggested sample schedule that takes into account your parish's specific fundraising needs alongside the Archdiocese of Baltimore's broader programming through the Annual Appeal. This section includes a sample schedule, along with practical ideas and resources designed to enhance your fundraising efforts throughout the year.
A Year in Review
Impact Newsletter #1 (January):
A newsletter focused on a parish statistics, the number on baptism, confirmations, funerals, weddings, and other valuable statistics.
Mail or email the newsletter to parishioners.
Annual Appeal (February):
This is the kickoff to the annual appeal. Exact dates will be provided.
Expect an announcement and commitment weekend.
Mini-Campaigns (April and May):
This period is reserved for smaller fundraising campaigns and special projects.
Activities may include campaigns for specific projects, legacy giving opportunities, and initiatives to promote online giving. You advancement director can help lead and advise on these types of projects.
Impact Newsletter #2 (June):
A newsletter focused on a parish ministry and the leaders/volunteers that make it happen.
Mail or email the newsletter to parishioners.
ADV Check-in (July or August):
A strategic meeting with your Advancement Director to discuss various aspects of offertory and fundraising, such as:
Reviewing top givers and discerning trends in offertory contributions.
Planning out the offertory program dates for the upcoming period.
Preparing and ordering materials for offertory campaigns.
Evaluating the appeal performance to date.
Annual Report (Early September, before offertory program):
To build trust and transparency, to potentially increase Offertory giving, and to foster a stronger community, it’s recommended to provide your parishioners with an annual report, offering a concise overview of activities, achievements, and finances.
Template and samples available.
Mail the report in September before starting the offertory program.
Offertory Program (September - December):
A structured program that includes:
Mailing a letter from the pastor to the parish community.
An Announcement and commitment Weekend.
AOB provided resources for social media, homilies, announcements, letters and emails.
AOB will pay for Prayer cards, In-pew commitment cards and posters.
AOB can help coordinate mailing and organizing printing.
Giving Tuesday (December 3rd, 2024):
A call to action for parishioners to contribute on Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving that occurs after Thanksgiving.
AOB will provide resources to promote parish giving.
All year:
Use handwritten notes to say thankyou, congratulations, happy birthday and offer prayer.
Use video to reach out to parishioners and to tell your parish story, say thank you, express needs and build excitement about projects.