Our Path Forward
Parish Promotional Materials
What you need to do
Annual Report - Create an annual report / State of the Parish and release it before implementing OPF​​
Prepare the Bulletin Announcement – Download the pre-made bulletin text, make any needed changes and add it to your bulletin for week 1.
Social Media Post – Download the pre-made social media post, and upload it to your Facebook page and anywhere else you feel it’s appropriate. Post on Facebook the Thursday before week 1.
Email / Flocknote / WhatsApp – Download the sample email text and create/send on Thursday before week 1. If you use Flocknote there is a template in the AOB Development Template Library.
Sample Homily / Talking Points – Download the sample homily, make your changes and speak about Our Path forward on week 1 during Mass.
Remember: Why should parishioners give to the parish? There are some many places competing for the charitable gift of your parishioners. Use week 1 to make your case on why their gift to the parish is appreciated.
What you need to do
Prepare the Bulletin Announcement – Download the pre-made bulletin text, make any needed changes and add it to your bulletin for week 2.
Social Media Post – Download the pre-made social media post, and upload it to your Facebook page and anywhere else you feel it’s appropriate. Post on Facebook the Thursday before week 2.
Email / Flocknote / WhatsApp – Download the sample email text and create and send on Thursday before week 2. If you use Flocknote there is a template in the AOB Development Template Library.
Sample Homily / Talking Points – Download the sample homily, make your changes and speak about Our Path forward on week 2 during Mass.
Contactless Response card - This year, parishioners can respond on their phone. Familiarize yourself with the in-pew card (Provided by the AOB) Make sure you know the web address www.opfaob.com and fill out the form yourself, so you know the questions and the time it takes. Ask parishioners to take out their phone and fill out the response.
In-Pew card - Place the In-pew card in the pews. Look over the card to understand the parts. The card has a QR code, and web address to www.opfaob.com so it can be filled out online. The parishioner can also fill out the card itself, tear the response section off and place it in the offertory basket.
Remember: Your parishioners will need to time to respond. Give them a few minutes to fill out the Contactless Response Card. Have some music, use this time to pray. Make this an activity and not just something you need to get through.
Follow up
What you need to do
Saying thank you is vital. Remember to thank parishioners for their support after Commitment Weekend.
Your Regional Director will share responses for your parish with you from the digital commitment card. If parishioners indicated they would like to leave a legacy gift, your Regional Director will work with you to figure out the best way to engage with them.
QR-CODE Stickers - After you completed the commitment weekend, you can stick the in-pew QR code stickers to the back of the pew. Your Regional Director will provide the stickers to you. The QR code will link directly to your parish-giving page.
Social Media Thank you Video is located here for you to use on Facebook or elsewhere.