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  End-of-Year Giving 

Below are resources designed to help you encourage year-end giving at your parish. The end of the year is an excellent opportunity to raise funds for your parish in various ways, and these tools can assist in making your efforts more effective. We have provided a sample letter, social media post, and a bulletin insert for your use. Along with our Pulpit Announcement, these resources are created to help you communicate with parishioners and inspire generosity.

Social Media 

DALL·E 2024-11-25 12.52.12 - A realistic photo-style image of a Catholic priest sitting at

One social media post for December

Download the social media post and share it on your Facebook page this December to highlight how parishioners can support your parish.

Pulpit Announcement

DALL·E 2024-11-25 12.53.56 - A realistic photo-style image of a Catholic priest standing a

 Pulpit Announcement for Early December

Share this pulpit announcement during December Masses to inform parishioners about end-of-year giving and the various ways they can contribute.

Letters & Emails 

DALL·E 2024-11-25 12.56.52 - A realistic photo-style image of a Catholic priest typing an

Pastor Letters & Emails 

Use this letter to reach your parishioners by email or mail, encouraging them to consider end-of-year giving. The letter includes space for you to add a personal story to help connect your mission with your donors. Sending this communication in early December will allow parishioners time to reflect on their giving and make their contribution.

Bulletin Announcements

DALL·E 2024-11-25 12.59.18 - A realistic photo-style image of a person standing near the t

Bulletin Announcements for December

Share this bulletin announcement with your parish to encourage End of Year giving. You can use the provided sample to customize it with your parish's logo, or print out the unbranded version if preferred. 



As the year draws to a close, we invite you to reflect on the blessings of this past year and consider making an end-of-year gift to support the mission of our parish. Your generosity enables us to provide meaningful ministries, maintain our sacred spaces, and serve as a place of faith and community for all who seek it. Every gift, no matter the size, is an opportunity to strengthen our parish and make a lasting impact on the lives we touch.

There are many ways to give, including one-time gifts, IRA charitable rollovers, stock donations, or by starting or updating your online giving. Each contribution helps sustain our mission and ensures we can continue sharing God’s love in our parish and beyond. For more information or assistance with giving options, please contact the Parish Office or visit our website. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and support!

Sample Annoucement



320 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, MD 21201


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